Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Know What A Piece of Antique Is Worth

Antiques are prized possessions, not just because of their monetary value, but also because of their beauty and durability to withstand the harsh forces of nature. However, it is seldom that antiques, especially furniture, never require some degree of restoration. Most furnishings need to undergo some restoration so their beauty can be highlighted.

Buying antiques, however, is not as easy as it sounds, especially if one is after the value for money. One does not just jump into making purchases without assessing the condition of such items. One of the most important factors to consider prior to closing the deal is durability. Furniture and fixtures such as sofa, dining tables and chairs, should serve their purpose and not end up being stored in the garage or attic. Of course, a buyer will see no purpose in buying a dining table in poor condition unless he is not aware of an antique piece' significance. If he knows what a piece of antique is worth, he may decide to buy the item just to save it and give it new life.

A buyer should also take into account the uniqueness of an item. Scrolls were the predominant design during the 18th century, as well as skirts that were made to look like bells. An American empire sofa, for example, of the period 1810-1830 had distinct curved arms and feet designed to look like giant animal paws or giant curved scrolls. Bell-like skirts during the 18th century were a fashion statement and, thus, influenced chair designs that were basically designed to accommodate the expanse of these skirts.

It is also important to note that wood types such as mahogany, oak, walnut, ebony, cherry, maple, pine and rosewoods have distinct features that made them popular during the 18th century and Victorian era. Mahogany, for example, aside from being inexpensive, has a distinct characteristic that is unattractive to woodworms. Rosewood, on the other hand is heavy and gives off a distinct rosy smell. Cherry wooden furniture, with its red shades, does not stain easily compared to other other types of furniture made of wood.

Making informed and educated purchases is always important when one wants to buy antique wisely. Indeed, an antique collector has a lot to consider if the purpose of buying such antiques is the preservation of their beauty, historical significance and monetary value. These are the most considerations for someone who wants to make good antique purchases.

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